This simulation demonstrates the use of Monte Carlo Simulation in solutions to real problems. The Monty Hall Problem is a brain teaser, named after the host of television show Let’s Make a Deal where the player had to choose beetween 3 doors. Behind 2 of those doors, there were goats, and behind one of them, there was a car. Once the player picked a door, Monty, who knows where the car is, opens one o fthe other doors and ask if the participant wants to remain with the choosen door or switch to the other door.

What is the pick which maximizes the chance to win the car?

Let’s run a simulation:

 * Runs the Monty Hall problem continually,
 * graphing the results of switching or not switching.
var sketchProc=function(processingInstance){ with (processingInstance){

    size(400, 400);

var graphX = 50;
var graphY = 300;
var graphWidth = 300;
var graphHeight = 200;
var barWidth = 100;
var barGap = (graphWidth - 2*barWidth) / 3;
var bar1X = graphX + barGap;
var bar2X = graphX + barGap*2 + barWidth;

// Speed of simulation - don't set to high

var number_of_doors = 3;
var wins_if_you_switch = 0;
var wins_if_you_dont_switch = 0;
var number_of_games = 0;

var playGame = function() {
    var prize_door = floor(random(0, number_of_doors));
    var chosen_door = floor(random(0, number_of_doors));

    // Show door which isn't picked and isn't the prize door
    var possible_shown_doors = [];
    for (var i=0; i < number_of_doors; i++) {
        if (i !== prize_door && i !== chosen_door) {

    var random_num = floor(random(0, possible_shown_doors.length));
    var shown_door = possible_shown_doors[random_num];

    // If you don't switch then you win if you picked the right door
    if (chosen_door === prize_door) {

    // Switch to a door that isn't open
    var switched_door = null;
    for (var j=0; j < number_of_doors; j++) {
        if (j !== shown_door && j !== chosen_door) {
            switched_door = j;

    if (switched_door === prize_door) {


var draw = function() {
    background(240, 240, 240);

    // Bars
    var scaleY = graphHeight / (1 + number_of_games);

    fill(0, 255, 0);
    var y1 = scaleY * wins_if_you_switch;
    var y2 = scaleY * wins_if_you_dont_switch;
    rect(bar1X, graphY - y1, barWidth, y1);
    rect(bar2X, graphY - y2, barWidth, y2);

    // Axes
    stroke(8, 8, 8);
    line(graphX, graphY, graphX + graphWidth, graphY);

    // Labels
    text("Switch", bar1X+10, graphY+30);
    text("Don't switch", bar2X, graphY+30);

    var percent1 = round(1000 * wins_if_you_switch / number_of_games)/10;
    var percent2 = round(1000 * wins_if_you_dont_switch / number_of_games)/10;
    text(percent1 + "%", bar1X+20, graphY - y1 - 5);
    text(percent2 + "%", bar2X+20, graphY - y2 - 5);
    text("Games won (" + number_of_games + " played)", graphX, graphY - graphHeight);

} };

Original source from Khan Academy

Check out the Monty Hall Demo