Folks who like Heroku and their addons certainly came across tddium, who promises to keep the tedium out of TDD

Well, we just upgraded to Mongoid 3 and one of their usefull features are sessions. So now we can configure all kinds of sessions for all kinds of reasons:

We might want to enforce consistency on some features. -- just use a session with consistency: :strong on its configuration.

Or we might want our data to be eventually consistent, and have a higher troughput - so we use a consistency: :eventual.

Anyway, this post is not about that, but about how to configure tddium to use multiple sessions:
I took parts of this post and with a little help from tddium suport, came up with this:
Loading ....

It worked for most of our tests.  We'll try and figure it out on Monday the ones that didn't work.

** thanks for Moski for his post about posting gist into blogger's dynamic views.