This weekend I´ll put the new iop provisioned EBS volumes for a spin ( or not, since they must be SSD´s backed devices ).

Well, anyway, the server is ready. MMS-agent and munin-node are on place and waiting. All I have to do now is a rSync.

I attached 10 x iop provisioned EBS volumes --1000 iops and distributed them as  follows:

/dev/xvda -     /
/dev/md0 - /var/lib/mongodb
/dev/xvdg    - /var/lib/mongdb/journal

/dev/md0 is an 8 devices software RAID10 array

Every one of them has 1000 iops provisioned.

I would prefer to use this new EBS backed MongoDB over the instance store SSDs, but there´s a catch, there´s always a catch: As of now, one user can only have 10 of them, or being strict: you can only have 10,000 of them ( iops ).

So, let´s see how it goes. I´ll publish the results on Monday.